Seven reasons to try ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online is the little brother of ArcGIS Pro, a GIS software developed and maintained by ESRI. We collected seven reasons for you to try out the light version:

  1. It is free of charge: If you are a student or researcher at UZH, you can register here to get a free ArcGIS Online account. You can use the account as long as you are at UZH. Once you leave UZH, make sure to back up the data you created and uploaded on ArcGIS Online.
  2. No additional hard- or software needed: ArcGIS Online is cloud-based. Thus, you can use it as a standalone solution.
  3. No need to worry about updates or storage: ArcGIS Online is hosted on Esri servers and completely scaled, managed, updated, and maintained by Esri.
  4. Share your work: It is very easy to share your maps, data, apps and other items with whom you like on ArcGIS Online. You decide who sees what.
  5. Tell your story with a map: ArcGIS StoryMaps combines the features of a blog (i.e., pictures, videos) with maps and allows you to tell the story behind the map.
  6. Collect georeferenced data in the field: Install Survey123 on a mobile device equipped with a GPS (i.e., a smartphone) and start collecting data and geospatial information for your project.
  7. Get inspired: Many others have shared their work on ArcGIS Online. Curious? Then have a look at what cool stuff they did i.e., by browsing through the Living Atlas or the StoryMaps (see 5.)!